Wednesday, September 8, 2010


It's been a while since my last post. The reason is quite simple I've had my focus somewhere else. Late december 2009 my wife gave birth to our daughter and since then I've spent most of my free time with my two girls.

Anyway I'm still alive and both new and old projects are in the pipeline, however as of now there's simply not enough time to get things flowing again.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Super simple rsync howto

This little howto contains pretty much everything you need to use rsync to back up and or synchronize two folders locally. I decided to do this writeup after after reading this article on lifehacker. I wasn't completely satisfied with the article so I did some digging to get the answers I needed. I know there's alot of rsync tutorials out there but I wrote this for my own personal use and also I tried to keep it as short as possible while explaining what's being done.

Oh, by the way rsync is really powerful and this only scratches the surface of what rsync can do. But you don't need more info to do local back ups.

rsync -options /source /destination 

Compare two folders
This command uses the "-v" and "-n" option to do nothing. Instead rsync prints out what would have been copied from a source folder to a destination folder. To delete files from the destination folder see notes on "--delete" below.

rsync -rvn /source /destination 

-r, --recursive recurse into directories
-v, --verbose increase verbosity
-n, --dry-run perform a trial run with no changes made

Back up one folder to another
This is all you need to back up a source directory to a destination directory. If unsure try it out with the "-n" dry run option first. To delete files from the destination folder see notes on "--delete" below.

rsync -av /source /destination 

-a, --archive archive mode; equals -rlptgoD (no -H,-A,-X)
    -r, --recursive recurse into directories
    -l, --links copy symlinks as symlinks
    -p, --perms preserve permissions
    -t, --times preserve modification times
    -g, --group preserve group
    -o, --owner preserve owner (super-user only)
    -D same as --devices --specials
        --devices preserve device files (super-user only) 
        --specials preserve special files

Additional tips n tricks

Test with the "dry run" -n option first to see what files would be deleted and copied.
-n, --dry-run perform a trial run with no changes made

Delete files in the destination folder that does not exist in the source folder.
--delete delete extraneous files from dest dirs

Exclude files that you don't need for instance system files.
--exclude=PATTERN exclude files matching PATTERN
example: --exclude '.DS_Store'

Compress files during transfer to save bandwidth
-z, --compress compress file data during the transfer 

rsync - man page - Backing Up Your Linux

Working with files and folders that has spaces in their names

I was in OSX's terminal yesterday trying to cd into a folder with a space in the name. That usually works really well with tab-completion but in the same place in the directory tree there were  another folder with the same name but without the space.

Here's a little illustration to clarify what I just wrote.  

      +--Folder1 With Space

So I want to cd into "Folder1 With Space" but I can't use tab-completion or type: 
cd Folder1 With Space 

However I can use \ as the escape character:
cd Folder1\ With\ Space

I can also use quotes, 'normal' or "double" (useful if the folder uses either one in it's name).
cd 'Folder1 With Space'
cd "Folder1 With Space"

Although I haven't tried it I'm pretty sure this works in any *nix terminal. 

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Arduino game: Zombie Showdown with graphics

Shortly after I wrote a post about  Zombie Showdown at the Arduino forum, Bart had a suggestion on how the game could evolve with graphics. My original idea wasn't really to make a game with graphics but rather with physical input and feedback, but I admit I got a bit tempted to try graphics out. But before I got around to, Bart did. Here's the result of my game with Barts graphics.

Attacking Zombie!

Killed Zombie.

Gameplay video.

  Zombie Showdown
  By Markus Ulfberg 2010-01-12
  'Graphics' ;) added by Bart Lammers 2010-01-22
  More Arduino stuff and future updates of Zombie Showdown at:

    A small game using an 16x2 LCD and a pushbutton.
    The game presents a start screen and awaits player input. 
    If the player presses the button the game starts.
    After a random number of milliseconds a Zombie will 
    appear. It will have a random strenght of 1-5. 
    The strenght of the Zombie is equal to how many
    buttonpresses it takes to kill it. 
    If the player fails to kill the Zombie within a random 
    timeframe the Zombie will kill the player.
    If the player manages to kill the Zombie the game will
    continue and a new Zombie will soon attack. 
    When the player dies a Game Over screen is presented
    also displaying the score of the player. 
    There is no "beating" this game since in the Zombie apocalypse
    eventually everyone will die. 

  Planned expansion:
    1. Use a vibrator to signal Zombie attack.
    2. Use randomizer to make 
    This game uses example code from 
    Debounce and the LiquidCrystal library.


// include the library code:
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

// initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins
LiquidCrystal lcd(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12);

// Set the text strings used in the game
char* gameText[]={"Zombie Showdown",// 0 Title 
                  "Kill to Start",  // 1 
                  "Let's go!",      // 2
                  "Zombie!!!",      // 3                  
                  "You killed it.", // 4
                  "You are dead.",  // 5
                  "Game Over",      // 6
                  "Score: "         // 7

// Custom characters for the zombie graphics
byte zombie_head[8] = {

byte zombie_body[8] = {
byte zombie_arm[8] = {

byte zombie_head_expl[8] = {

// Button variables
const int buttonPin = 2;

// Two values for debounceing
int buttonState;
int lastButtonState = LOW;

// the following variables are long's because the time, measured in miliseconds,
// will quickly become a bigger number than can be stored in an int.
long lastDebounceTime = 0;  // the last time the output pin was toggled
long debounceDelay = 50;    // the debounce time; increase if the output flickers

// Stores value of button 1 = pressed 0 = released 
int buttonPress = 0;

// Title screen blink variables
long lastBlinkTime = 0;
long blinkDelay = 500;
int blinkState = 0;

// Gameplay variables

// Zombie health a random number between 1 and 5
int zombie;

// Time since last zombie apperance
long lastZombieTime = 0;

// Randomizes between each zombie 
// Timer for next zombie apperance
// a random number between 200 ms and 20 000 ms 
long zombieDelay;

// Randomizes between each zombie 
// Countdown timer for zombie bite
// a random number between 2 000 ms and 7 000 ms 
long zombieBite;

// Status of zombie apperance 1 = zombie 0 = no zombie
int zombieState = 0;

// Total steps the zombie can take
int zombieSteps = 15;
int zombiePosition = 0;
int zombieLastPosition = 0;
int zombieSpeed = 0;

// Status of player 1 = alive 0 = dead
int playerAlive = 1;

// gameRun sets start screen or runs the game
int gameRun = 0;

// Score
int score = 0;

void setup() {
  // set up the LCD's number of rows and columns: 
  lcd.begin(16, 2);
  // Set up the button
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
  buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin); 
  // Use unconnected analog input pin
  // to generate a random seed for the random generator
  // Generate zombie characters
  lcd.createChar(0, zombie_head);
  lcd.createChar(1, zombie_body);
  lcd.createChar(2, zombie_arm);
  lcd.createChar(3, zombie_head_expl);
  // The timeframe where a new Zombie appears 
  // this first Zombie will have a shorter random time frame 
  zombieDelay = random(200,10000);
  // The timeframe for the first zombie bite
  zombieBite = random(2000,7000);

void loop() {
  // Start sequence
  // Gameplay
  // GameOver
} // loop end

void gameStart() {
  while (gameRun == 0) {
    // Set the cursor
    // print the name of the game
    // Pause for blink
    if ((millis() - lastBlinkTime) > blinkDelay) {
      // If blinkState is OFF turn it ON
      if (blinkState == 0) {
        // Clear the LCD and set the cursor
        // move the cursor down 
        // print the blinking text
        // Set the cursor for non blinking text
        // since blink cleared the whole LCD
        // we need print the name of the game again
        // set blinkState to ON
        blinkState = 1;
      // If blinkState is OFF turn it ON
      } else {
        // Clear the LCD and set the cursor

        // Set the cursor for non blinking text
        // print the name of the game
        // Set blink to OFF
        blinkState = 0;
      } // END: else 
      // store the new blink time
      lastBlinkTime = millis();

    } // END: if ((millis() - lastBlinkTime) > blinkDelay)
    // Check if button is pressed 
    if (button() == 1) {
      // If so start the game
      gameRun = 1;
      playerAlive = 1;
      // reset score
      score = 0;
    } // END: if (button() == 1)
  } // END: while game start    
} // END: void gameStart 

void gameExecute() {
  // check wether button is pushed to run game
  while (gameRun == 1) {
      // small delay to get ready
      // Check if a zombie is here
      if (zombieState == 1) {
        // tell the player that a zombie is here
        // lcd.print(gameText[3]);
        // Put the zombie in position 0;
        // Set the strenght and speed of of the zombie
        zombie = random(1,5);
         // Resets the zombie timer 
         // this one is for the speed of which the zombie attacks 
         lastZombieTime = millis(); 
        // The action part
        while (zombie > 0) {
         // Find out where the zombie has to stand
         zombiePosition = ((millis() - lastZombieTime) / zombieSpeed);
         if (zombiePosition != zombieLastPosition) {
            // If it moved, redraw
            zombieLastPosition = zombiePosition;
         /* // DEBUG 
         Serial.print("Str: ");
         Serial.print(zombie, DEC);
         Serial.print(" Time: ");
         Serial.print(" Bite: ");  
         Serial.println((millis() - lastZombieTime));
         */ // END: DEBUG
         // Check if button is pressed 
         if (button() == 1) {
           // If so remove 1 health from zombie
         // check if the zombie bites
         if ((millis() - lastZombieTime) > zombieBite) {
           // player is bitten and killed
           // Print information on death
           // Make sure all loops are exited
           gameRun = 0;
           zombie = 0;
       } // END: while zombie > 0
       // Add score, first check if the zombie was killed or 
       // it was the player who died and zombie was just reset
       if (gameRun == 1) {
         // The zombie was killed 
         zombieState = 0;
         // Add to the players score
         // Print information of kill
         // Pause for a while
     } else { // END: if Zombie State and Start else 
       // zombieState is 0 check if enough time 
       // has passed since last zombie
       if ((millis() - lastZombieTime) > zombieDelay) {
         // A new zombie is here
         zombieState = 1;
         // reset random zombieDelay
         zombieDelay = random(200,2000);
         // reset random zombieBite time;
         zombieBite = random(2000,7000);
         // reset position
         zombiePosition = 0;
         zombieLastPosition = 0;
       } // END: if ((millis() - lastZombieTime) > zombieDelay)
     } // END: else 

  }  // END: while game run 
} // END: gameExecute 

// Calculate the zombie speed, how many ms per step?
void setZombieSpeed() {
  zombieSpeed = zombieBite / zombieSteps;

// Draw the zombie on the screen in the correct position
void drawZombie() {

int button() {
  // read the state of the switch into a local variable:
  int reading = digitalRead(buttonPin);

  // check to see if you just pressed the button 
  // (i.e. the input went from LOW to HIGH),  and you've waited 
  // long enough since the last press to ignore any noise:  

  // If the switch changed, due to noise or pressing:
  if (reading != lastButtonState) {
    // reset the debouncing timer
    lastDebounceTime = millis();
  if ((millis() - lastDebounceTime) > debounceDelay) {
    // whatever the reading is at, it's been there for longer
    // than the debounce delay, so take it as the actual current state:
    buttonState = reading;    
    // If button is pressed down 
    if (buttonState == HIGH) {
      // store the state of the button
      buttonPress = 1;             
    // If button is up ...
    if (buttonState == LOW) {
      // ... and was just down i.e released
      if (buttonPress == 1) {
        // Store the new state of the button
        buttonPress = 0;
        // also save the reading since we terminate in the next step        
        lastButtonState = reading;      
        // Terminate the button() function and return 
        // a positive button press
        return 1;
    } // END: If buttonState == LOW
  } // END: If millis... 
  // save the reading.  Next time through the loop,
  // it'll be the lastButtonState:
  lastButtonState = reading;
} // END: void button()
void gameOver() {
  // Print Game Over
  // Print Score
  // Pause for a while 

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Arduino game: Zombie Showdown

I recently bought a 16x2 LCD from Adafruit and decided to make a small Zombie survival game as my first project.
The hardware is just the LCD hooked up according to instructions on the LCD product page and a push-button with a pull-down resistor like the one in this tutorial.

Here are som pictures and a movie from the project:

Title screen of Zombie Showdown

Entire hardware set up


Download the source code or read it below.
Formatted for Blogger with:

  Zombie Showdown
  By Markus Ulfberg 2010-01-12
  More Arduino stuff and future updates of Zombie Showdown at:

    A small game using an 16x2 LCD and a pushbutton.
    The game presents a start screen and awaits player input. 
    If the player presses the button the game starts.
    After a random number of milliseconds a Zombie will 
    appear. It will have a random strenght of 1-5. 
    The strenght of the Zombie is equal to how many
    buttonpresses it takes to kill it. 
    If the player fails to kill the Zombie within a random 
    timeframe the Zombie will kill the player.
    If the player manages to kill the Zombie the game will
    continue and a new Zombie will soon attack. 
    When the player dies a Game Over screen is presented
    also displaying the score of the player. 
    There is no "beating" this game since in the Zombie apocalypse
    eventually everyone will die. 

  Planned expansion:
    1. Use a vibrator to signal Zombie attack.
    2. Use randomizer to make 
    This game uses example code from 
    Debounce and the LiquidCrystal library.


// include the library code:
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

// initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins
LiquidCrystal lcd(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12);

// Set the text strings used in the game
char* gameText[]={"Zombie Showdown",// 0 Title 
                  "Kill to Start",  // 1 
                  "Let's go!",      // 2
                  "Zombie!!!",      // 3                  
                  "You killed it.", // 4
                  "You are dead.",  // 5
                  "Game Over",      // 6
                  "Score: "         // 7

// Button variables
const int buttonPin = 2;

// Two values for debounceing
int buttonState;
int lastButtonState = LOW;

// the following variables are long's because the time, measured in miliseconds,
// will quickly become a bigger number than can be stored in an int.
long lastDebounceTime = 0;  // the last time the output pin was toggled
long debounceDelay = 50;    // the debounce time; increase if the output flickers

// Stores value of button 1 = pressed 0 = released 
int buttonPress = 0;

// Title screen blink variables
long lastBlinkTime = 0;
long blinkDelay = 500;
int blinkState = 0;

// Gameplay variables

// Zombie health a random number between 1 and 5
int zombie;

// Time since last zombie apperance
long lastZombieTime = 0;

// Randomizes between each zombie 
// Timer for next zombie apperance
// a random number between 200 ms and 20 000 ms 
long zombieDelay;

// Randomizes between each zombie 
// Countdown timer for zombie bite
// a random number between 2 000 ms and 7 000 ms 
long zombieBite;

// Status of zombie apperance 1 = zombie 0 = no zombie
int zombieState = 0;

// Status of player 1 = alive 0 = dead
int playerAlive = 1;

// gameRun sets start screen or runs the game
int gameRun = 0;

// Score
int score = 0;

void setup() {
  // set up the LCD's number of rows and columns: 
  lcd.begin(16, 2);
  // Set up the button
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
  buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin); 
  // Use unconnected analog input pin
  // to generate a random seed for the random generator
  // The timeframe where a new Zombie appears 
  // this first Zombie will have a shorter random time frame 
  zombieDelay = random(200,10000);
  // The timeframe for the first zombie bite
  zombieBite = random(2000,7000);

void loop() {
  // Start sequence
  // Gameplay
  // GameOver
} // loop end

void gameStart() {
  while (gameRun == 0) {
    // Set the cursor
    // print the name of the game
    // Pause for blink
    if ((millis() - lastBlinkTime) > blinkDelay) {
      // If blinkState is OFF turn it ON
      if (blinkState == 0) {
        // Clear the LCD and set the cursor
        // move the cursor down 
        // print the blinking text
        // Set the cursor for non blinking text
        // since blink cleared the whole LCD
        // we need print the name of the game again
        // set blinkState to ON
        blinkState = 1;
      // If blinkState is OFF turn it ON
      } else {
        // Clear the LCD and set the cursor

        // Set the cursor for non blinking text
        // print the name of the game
        // Set blink to OFF
        blinkState = 0;
      } // END: else 
      // store the new blink time
      lastBlinkTime = millis();

    } // END: if ((millis() - lastBlinkTime) > blinkDelay)
    // Check if button is pressed 
    if (button() == 1) {
      // If so start the game
      gameRun = 1;
      playerAlive = 1;
      // reset score
      score = 0;
    } // END: if (button() == 1)
  } // END: while game start    
} // END: void gameStart 

void gameExecute() {
  // check wether button is pushed to run game
  while (gameRun == 1) {
      // small delay to get ready
      // Check if a zombie is here
      if (zombieState == 1) {
        // tell the player that a zombie is here
        // Set the strenght and speed of of the zombie
        zombie = random(1,5);
         // Resets the zombie timer 
         // this one is for the speed of which the zombie attacks 
         lastZombieTime = millis(); 
        // The action part
        while (zombie > 0) {
         /* // DEBUG 
         Serial.print("Str: ");
         Serial.print(zombie, DEC);
         Serial.print(" Time: ");
         Serial.print(" Bite: ");  
         Serial.println((millis() - lastZombieTime));
         */ // END: DEBUG
         // Check if button is pressed 
         if (button() == 1) {
           // If so remove 1 health from zombie
         // check if the zombie bites
         if ((millis() - lastZombieTime) > zombieBite) {
           // player is bitten and killed
           // Print information on death
           // Make sure all loops are exited
           gameRun = 0;
           zombie = 0;
       } // END: while zombie > 0
       // Add score, first check if the zombie was killed or 
       // it was the player who died and zombie was just reset
       if (gameRun == 1) {
         // The zombie was killed 
         zombieState = 0;
         // Add to the players score
         // Print information of kill
         // Pause for a while
     } else { // END: if Zombie State and Start else 
       // zombieState is 0 check if enough time 
       // has passed since last zombie
       if ((millis() - lastZombieTime) > zombieDelay) {
         // A new zombie is here
         zombieState = 1;
         // reset random zombieDelay
         zombieDelay = random(200,2000);
         // reset random zombieBite time;
         zombieBite = random(2000,7000);
       } // END: if ((millis() - lastZombieTime) > zombieDelay)
     } // END: else 

  }  // END: while game run 
} // END: gameExecute 

int button() {
  // read the state of the switch into a local variable:
  int reading = digitalRead(buttonPin);

  // check to see if you just pressed the button 
  // (i.e. the input went from LOW to HIGH),  and you've waited 
  // long enough since the last press to ignore any noise:  

  // If the switch changed, due to noise or pressing:
  if (reading != lastButtonState) {
    // reset the debouncing timer
    lastDebounceTime = millis();
  if ((millis() - lastDebounceTime) > debounceDelay) {
    // whatever the reading is at, it's been there for longer
    // than the debounce delay, so take it as the actual current state:
    buttonState = reading;    
    // If button is pressed down 
    if (buttonState == HIGH) {
      // store the state of the button
      buttonPress = 1;             
    // If button is up ...
    if (buttonState == LOW) {
      // ... and was just down i.e released
      if (buttonPress == 1) {
        // Store the new state of the button
        buttonPress = 0;
        // also save the reading since we terminate in the next step        
        lastButtonState = reading;      
        // Terminate the button() function and return 
        // a positive button press
        return 1;
    } // END: If buttonState == LOW
  } // END: If millis... 
  // save the reading.  Next time through the loop,
  // it'll be the lastButtonState:
  lastButtonState = reading;
} // END: void button()
void gameOver() {
  // Print Game Over
  // Print Score
  // Pause for a while 

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How to start Kazehakase in full screen mode

The long story:
I've been thinking about changing my Digital Picture Frame / Twitter frame to use/be browser instead. Partly to be able to get a useful outlet while practicing PHP-coding but also to be able to use services such as Twitter and Tom Scotts Star Wars weather.

My browser of choice is Kazehakase, a small foot print browser that can use either the Webkit or the Gecko rendering engine. It can handle alot more than Dillo but uses way less resources than Firefox. I found out about Kazehakase while reading the blog of K. Mandla.

However there is a problem. Kazehakase is not a very well documented browser. In it's manual there is a reference to using "Actions" with the browser, but the actions themselves aren't documented. Luckily enough I found out how to start Kazehakase in full screen mode by some trial and error.

The short story:
kazehakase -a "ToggleFullScreen" your_url_here